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Paper   IPM / Physic / 11363
School of Physics
  Title:   Electron-Electron Interactions in Decoupled Graphene Layers
1.  R.E.V. Profumo
2.  M . Polini
3.  R . Asgari
4.  R. Fazio
5.  A.H. MacDonald
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Phys. Rev. B
  Vol.:  82
  Year:  2010
  Pages:   085443
  Supported by:  IPM
Multi-layer graphene on the carbon face of silicon carbide is an intriguing electronic system which typically consists of a stack of ten or more layers. Rotational stacking faults in this system dramatically reduce inter-layer coherence. In this article we report on the inuence of inter-layer interactions, which remain strong even when coherence is negligible, on the Fermi liquid properties of charged graphene layers. We find that inter-layer interactions increase the magnitudes of correlation energies and decrease quasiparticle velocities, even when remote-layer carrier densities are small, and that they lessen the inuence of exchange and correlation on the distribution of carriers across layers.

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