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Paper   IPM / Physic / 10762
School of Physics
  Title:   3-Form Flux compactification of Salam-Sezgin Supergravity
1.  H.R. Afshar
2.  S. Parvizi
  Status:   Published
  Journal: JHEP
  Vol.:  10
  Year:  2009
  Pages:   086
  Supported by:  IPM
The compactification of 6 dimensional Salam-Sezgin model in the presence of 3-form flux H is investigated. We find a torus topology for this compactification with two cusps which are the places of branes, while at the limit of large size L of the compact direction we also obtain sphere topology. This resembles the Randall-Sundrum I,II model. The branes at one of the cusps can be chosen to be 3- and 4-branes which fill our 4-dimensional space together with the fact that H=0 at this position restores the Lorentz symmetry. This compactification also provides an example for the so-called `time warp' solution, [0812.5107 [hep-th]]. According to a no-go theorem in d ≠ 6, the time warp compactification violates the null energy condition. While the theorem is quiet for d=6, our model gives a time warp compactification which satisfies the null energy condition. We also derive the four dimensional effective Planck mass which is not obvious due to the time warp nature of the solution.

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