“Papers of School of Nano-Sciences”


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  291. A. Moradi,
Quantum ion-acoustic wave oscillations in metallic nanowires,
Phys. Plasmas 22(2015), 054502(1-4)  [abstract]

   292. A. Moradi,
Quantum nonlocal effects on optical properties of spherical nanoparticles,
Phys. Plasmas 22(2015), 022119(1-5)  [abstract]

   293. A. Moradi,
Quantum effects on propagation of bulk and surface waves in a thin quantum plasma film,
Phys. Lett. A 379(2015), 1139-1143  [abstract]

   294. Sh. Alaei, S. Jalili and S. Erkoc,
Study of the Influence of Transition Metal Atoms on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphyne Nanotubes Using Density Functional Theory,
Fullerenes, NanoTub. and Carbon Nanostruc. 23(2015), 494 - 499  [abstract]

   295. Sh. Jamshidi, S. Jalili and H. Rafii Tabar,
Study of orotidine 5' - monophosphate decarboxylase in complex with the top three OMP, BMP, and PMP ligands by molecular dynamics simulation,
J. Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 33(2015), 404 - 417  [abstract]

   296. A. Moradi,
Surface plasmon oscillations on a quantum plasma half-space,
Phys. Plasmas 22(2015), 014501(1-4)  [abstract]

   297. M. E. Fooladvand and M. Sadrara,
Dynamics of a rigid rod in a disordered medium with long-range spatial correlation,
Phys. Rev. E 91(2015), 1-6  [abstract]

   298. A. Montazeri, S. Ebrahimi and H. Rafii Tabar,
A molecular dynamics investigation of buckling behaviour of hydrogenated graphene,
Molecular Simulation 41(2015), 1212-1218  [abstract]

   299. F. Ramezani and H. Rafii-Tabar,
An in-depth view of human serum albumin corona on gold nanoparticle,
Mol. BioSys 11(2015), 454-462  [abstract]

   300. S. M. Rezaei Sani, M. Karimipour, M. Ghoohestani and S. J. Hashemifar,
Density functional investigation of spin polarization in bulk and thin films of nitrogen intercalated Cu3N,
Computational Material Science 96(2015), 39-43  [abstract]

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