IPM Calendar  School/Center

Weekly Seminar
Topological and dynamical properties of magnetic Bimerons in temperature gradient and magnetoelastic coupling in Antiferromagnetic nanostructures
Dr. Rohollah Khoshlahni

Date : Wednesday , January 3, 2024
           14:00 - 15:00    

Topological magnetic textures have become a subject of intense research in recent years due to their roles in magnetic memory, logic devices, and magnetic sensors. Recently, a new type of topological magnetic texture, known as bimerons, has been theoretically predicted and experimentally observed in a few materials. Bimerons are magnetic structures composed of two in-plain Skyrmions that are joined together in a stable configuration, giving them the appearance of an individual magnetic texture. These structures have the potential to possess distinct characteristics that could play a valuable role in future applications for magnetic data storage, data processing and data transmission. Therefore, the creation and dynamics of bimerons are two separate discussions and important research fields that should be explored.

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