IPM Calendar  School/Center

Weekly Seminar
Polymer shape effect on translocation through a nanopore
Dr. Rouhollah Abdolvahab

Date : Wednesday , July 26, 2023
           14:00 - 15:00    

The translocation of biopolymers through nanoporous media is everywhere in biology and biotechnology. In vivo, cell performance is based on biopolymer RNA and protein translocation. Besides, In vitro, it is important in other areas such as Biosensors, controlled drug delivery, gene sequencing, polymer separation, and or sensing.
Here, I talk about some of the importance of polymer physics. I will continue by discussing some examples of polymer translocation and polymer shape relevance. After introducing some important Molecular Dynamics (MD) packages for simulating biopolymers, I will discuss some current projects underway in our group at IUST condensed matter. The importance of polymer shape will be argued on some problems such as polymer capturing and translocation under an electric field.

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