Tuesday 10 December 2024 |
Events for day: Wednesday 05 July 2023 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Formation of crystalline chiral condensate in a rotating quark matter School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: It is believed at intermediate densities, a new form of chiral condensate with crystalline structure appears as the favored ground state of Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD). This phase of quark matter, described by an inhomogeneous order parameter, appears as the result of quark and quark-hole pairing near the Fermi surface. The heavy-ion collisions provide an opportunity to investigate the thermodynamic properties of QCD matter. The primary aim of these experiments is to study the phase portrait of QCD and locate the corresponding critical point. The matter produced at these collisions carries a large angular momentum. Th ... 13:30 - 15:00 Weekly Seminar Three arguable concepts: point particle singularity, asymmetric action of EM on quantum wave functions, and the left out restricted Lorentz gauge from U(1) School ASTRONOMY We address three concepts. (1) The point particle assumption inherent to non-quantum physics is singular and entails divergent fields and integrals. (2) In quantum physics, electromagnetism (EM) plays an asymmetric role. It acts on quantum wave fields (wave functions) but the wave fields do not react back. We suggest to promote the one-sided action of EMon quantum waves into amutual action reaction partnership. By doing so, the quantumwave shares its analyticity with the EM field and removes the latters singularities and divergences. (3) The conventional U (1) symmetry leaves quantum dynamics invariant under a general Lorentz gauge and impose ... 16:00 - 17:00 Mathematics Colloquium Programs in Mathematics School MATHEMATICS This is a general overview of some of the most prominent Programs in Mathematics. We give a very short (and mainly historical) account of programs proposed by Riemann (1854) Klein (1872) Poincarè (1892) Hilbert (1900/1921) Weil (1949) Langlands (1967) Grothendieck (1984) and Mori (1988). We also review some of the most famous classification programs, such as ?classification of von Neumann algebras? (1936) ?classification of finite simple groups? (1972) and ?classification of separable simple nuclear unital C*-algebras? (1993). We give a short account of two programs proposed for the current century by Smale (1999) and Simon (2000). This is n ... |