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Events for day: Wednesday 17 April 2024    
           14:00 - 15:00     Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar
On Variants of Tverberg's Theorem.


The classical Tverberg's theorem of 1966 states that any set of size (d+1)(q-1)+1 in the Euclidean space of dimension d can be partitioned into q parts whose convex hulls intersect. In this talk, I will talk about many variants of this theorem and a conjecture by Engstrom and Noren that was recently proved with the aid of Najafian, ALipour, and Mazidi.

Zoom room information is:
Meeting ID : 896 0036 6073
Passcode : 290109
Venue: Niavaran, Lecture Hall 1 ...

           17:30 - 19:00     Algebraic Geometry Biweekly Webinar
Motives of Stacks of Bundles and Sheaves on Curves


The geometry of moduli spaces and stacks of vector bundles on curves have been intensively studied from different perspectives; for example, via point counting over finite fields by Harder and Narasimhan, and gauge theoretically by Atiyah and Bott over the complex numbers. Following Grothendieck's vision that a motive of an algebraic variety should capture many of its cohomological invariants, Voevodsky introduced a triangulated category of motives which partially realises this idea. After describing some properties of this category, I will present a formula for the motive of the moduli stack of vector bundles on a smooth projective curve; th ...