IPM Calendar 
Monday 2 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Wednesday 19 April 2023    
           14:00 - 15:00     Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar
A Differentially Private Shortest Path Algorithm for Low Tree-width Graphs


Differential privacy, defined by Dwork et al. is a fundamental concept in data privacy. Besides numerous real world applications, it involves interesting theoretical aspects, too. In the first half of this talk, we overview the the basics of differential privacy. Then, we talk about the problem of differential private shortest path in graphs with low tree-width.

Gharar Link:
https://room.gharar.ir/ba05e1ad-99f6-4911-b60e-dbf02616a692 ...

           16:00 - 17:00     Mathematics Colloquium
Old and New on de Rham Cohomology


For over a century de Rham cohomology has played a central role in geometry, analysis and arithmetic. In positive characteristic, it is still a mysterious object. I will explain recent discoveries about it, due to Bhatt-Lurie, Drinfeld, and Petrov, in the wake of the theory of prismatic stacks.

Link: https://vroom.ui.ac.ir/b/jav-qqx-92n-2wr

Subscribing the Mathematics Colloquium mailing list:
https://groups.google.com/g/ipm-math-colloquium ...

           17:30 - 19:00     Number Theory Webinar
On Inverse Theorems and Conjectures in Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics


I will provide a non-technical overview of some interactions between ergodic theory and additive combinatorics. The focus will be on inverse theorems and conjectures for the Gowers uniformity norms for finite abelian groups in additive combinatorics and their counterparts for the Host-Kra-Gowers uniformity seminorms for abelian measure-preserving systems in ergodic theory.

Zoom Meeting ID: 856 1386 0958
Passcode: 513992

ICS-File: https://researchseminars.org/seminar/FGC-IPM/ics ...