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Friday 7 March 2025   Today  
Events for day: Wednesday 22 May 2024    
           14:00 - 15:00     Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar
Partitions into Pairs with Prescribed Differences


Consider the following two general questions‎:
-For an Abelian group $A$ of order $2n$ and nonzero elements $d_1‎, ‎ldots‎, ‎d_n$ of $A$‎, ‎is it always possible to partition $A$ into pairs such that the difference between the two elements of the $i$th pair is equal to $d_i$?‎
-For an Abelian group $A$ of order $2n+1$ and nonzero elements $d_1‎, ‎ldots‎, ‎d_n$ of $A$‎, ‎is it always possible to partition $Asetminus{0}$ into pairs such that the difference between the two elements of the $i$th pair is equal to $d_i$?‎
‎In this ta ...