Thursday 9 January 2025 |
Events for day: Wednesday 06 March 2024 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Double Unintegrated Parton Distribution Functions School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: The study of particle structure is one of the most fundamental and challenging scientific topics that has always maintained its attractiveness among researchers. They have pursued this goal with the development of different tools and methods. One of these methods is by finding particle cross sections, which is accompanied by many complexities. Fortunately, the factorization theorem has made this path easier by providing a solution. In this theory, using collinear and k_t-factorization frameworks we can find the cross section of particle collisions. The k_t-factorization theorem is actually an extension of the ... 13:30 - 15:00 Weekly Seminar On the methods of probabilistic inference School ASTRONOMY In this blackboard talk, I will briefly introduce the two statistical approaches for probabilistic inference, namely, the frequentist and the Bayesian methods. Then, I will try to bridge between them by asking Bayesian questions which may have frequentist answers. (Based on Bayesian questions with frequentist answers with A. Guth Arxiv:2308.1652.) ... 14:00 - 15:00 Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar On Ramsey Numbers Involving Berge Cycles School MATHEMATICS For an arbitrary graph $G$, a hypergraph $mathcal{H}$ is called Berge-$G$ if there is an injection $i: V(G)longrightarrow V(mathcal{H})$ and a bijection $psi :E(G)longrightarrow E(mathcal{H})$ such that for each $e=uvin E(G)$, we have ${i(u),i(v)}subseteq psi (e)$. We denote by $mathcal{B}^rG$, the family of $r$-uniform Berge-$G$ hypergraphs. For families $mathcal{F}_1, mathcal{F}_2,ldots, mathcal{F}_t$ of $r$-uniform hypergraphs, the Ramsey number $R(mathcal{F}_1, mathcal{F}_2,ldots, mathcal{F}_t)$ is the minimum integer $n$ such that in every hyperedge coloring of the complete $r$-uniform hypergraph on $n$ vertices with $t$ c ... 14:00 - 15:00 Weekly Seminar Thermal investigation of newly proposed field effect transistors using non-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulation of phonon Boltzmann equation School NANO SCIENCES In nano-electronics, the overall reliability is determined by the temperature of the hottest zone on the die. Hence, the selection of materials and also the heat spreader design, as a thermal management solution for managing the temperature of the spots known as hotspots, are proposed. Beside the attempts to find the proper methods for heat removal, finding the low-dimensional silicon replacement candidates, with the lowest maximum temperature, is the most proper and perfect choice for the nano-electronics industry. Accordingly, the transistor with a lower maximum temperature can be easier kept under the threshold temperature. Consequently, i ... |