IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 17 January 2024    
           11:00 - 12:30     Geometry and Topology Short Course
Counting Problems and Teichmuller Theory


In her thesis, Mirzakhani proved that the number of simple closed geodesics (that is, closed geodesics without self-intersection) of length at most $L$ in a fixed hyperbolic surface $X$ is asymptotic to a constant times $L^{6g - 6}$, as $L o infty$ (here, $g geq 2$ is the genus of $X$). More recently, Eskin-Mirzakhani-Mohammadi presented an alternative proof of Mirzakhani's theorem by relating the count in question to lattice point counts in Teichmuller balls of large radius, a count that was previously studied by Athreya-Bufetov-Eskin-Mirzakhani. Their approach enabled them to obtain a more precise result, namely, to obtain a power-savin ...

           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting
Misalignment production of vector boson dark matter from axion-SU(2) inflation



In this talk, I will present a new mechanism to generate a coherently oscillating dark vector field from axion-SU(2) gauge field dynamics during inflation. The SU(2) gauge field acquires a nonzero background sourced by an axion during inflation, and it acquires a mass through spontaneous symmetry breaking after inflation. Then, the coherent oscillation of the dark vector field can account for dark matter in a wide mass range, evading some constraints in the usual misalignment production scenarios. In this scenario, one of the dark vector fields can be identified as the dark photon. Finally, I will also discuss some ph ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
On the GravoThermo Memory


In this presentation, the concepts discussed in arXiv:2307.04151 will be explored. First, I will review the gravitational memory effect. Then, the thermodynamic properties of a freely falling ensemble of gyroscopes after the passage of a weak gravitational wave will be discussed. Due to the precession memory effect, the thermodynamic quantities will experience a change because of the space-time perturbation. This GravoThermo memory effect potentially can be used for the detection of gravitational waves ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Physics Colloquium
Role of Love in the Evolution of Cognition


Date and time, NOTE The UNUSUAL TIME

Wednesday 27 Dey 1402 (17 Jan. 2024), 2pm

VENUE: Amphitheater of Farmanieh Building of IPM. (This is an on-cite, in-person seminar).


Novel features emerge from changes in the state and complexity of matter. Physical, chemical and biological principles govern these changes. Brain is the most complex matter known to humans. It emerged over 500 million years ago and has now evolved into its most complex form: the human brain. During this time, as more complex neural structures evolved, novel cognitive capac ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
The Calderon Projector and Dirichlet-Neumann Operator for Fibred Cusp Geometries


We consider boundary value problems on manifolds with boundary where the boundary exhibits singularities of fibred cusp type. The simplest (unfibred) cusp is what is sometimes called an incomplete cusp, e.g. the complement of two touching circles in the plane. The fibred version includes the complement of two touching balls in $mathbb{R}^n$. Our results also extend to geometries which are conformal to these incomplete cusps, for example fundamental domains of Fuchsian groups or uniformly fattened infinite cones in $mathbb{R}^n$. For the Laplacian on such spaces, or more general elliptic operators $P$ whose structure relates well to the ...

           9:00 - 10:30     Geometry and Topology Short Course
Counting Problems and Teichmuller Theory


In her thesis, Mirzakhani proved that the number of simple closed geodesics (that is, closed geodesics without self-intersection) of length at most $L$ in a fixed hyperbolic surface $X$ is asymptotic to a constant times $L^{6g - 6}$, as $L o infty$ (here, $g geq 2$ is the genus of $X$). More recently, Eskin-Mirzakhani-Mohammadi presented an alternative proof of Mirzakhani's theorem by relating the count in question to lattice point counts in Teichmuller balls of large radius, a count that was previously studied by Athreya-Bufetov-Eskin-Mirzakhani. Their approach enabled them to obtain a more precise result, namely, to obtain a power-savin ...