Sunday 19 January 2025 |
Events for day: Thursday 23 November 2023 |
10:00 - 12:30 Weekly Seminar Twitter bots are created individually but they play together and make their own organization School BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Today, social networks provide a significant contribution to information exchange, and influential people play an important role in this dissemination. However, celebrities in our actual world are not always the most important users of social media, while bots particularly play a role in hashtag trending. Social networks are modular, and bots are typically active in local communities. Our data indicate that these bots have linked together created a friendship network, and exchanged some tweets. The linking of bots and the construction of a network provides the bots with structural capability, and they can engage in various information dissemi ... 11:00 - 12:00 Theory weekly seminar (TWS) Fermions on boundaries School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: In the presence of boundaries, the quantum anomalies acquire additional boundary terms. In odd dimensions the integrated conformal anomaly, for which the bulk contribution is known to be absent, is non-trivial due to the boundary terms. These terms became a subject of active study in the recent years. In this talk I will talk about the conformal and chiral anomalies for fermions in dimensions d = 3, 4 and 5. Meeting Place: Seminar Room, School of Particles and Accelerators, IPM Link to Join Virtually: ... 13:30 - 17:00 Number Theory Seminar Decoding Elliptic Curves... School MATHEMATICS Elliptic curves lie at the intersection of analysis, geometry, algebra, and arithmetic. They have a rich and profound history in mathematics going back to antiquity. From the analytic point of view, elliptic curves are Riemann surfaces of genus one and are the natural domain of the definition of elliptic functions (a generalization of trigonometric functions with two independent periods). From the algebraic point of view, elliptic curves are abelian varieties of dimension one. From the arithmetic point of view, elliptic curves can be defined over global fields, local fields, or finite fields that give rise to Galois representations. The ... 15:00 - 17:00 Journal Club - Cognitive Neuroscience Visual and linguistic semantic representations are aligned at the border of human visual cortex School COGNITIVE SCIENCES Based on: Meeting Place: Seminar Room, School of Cognitive Sciences, IPM |