IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Thursday 19 October 2023    
           10:00 - 12:30     Weekly Seminar
Challenges in Mimicking Complex Systems: Modeling and Simulation in Biology


Modeling and simulation became popular as scientific tools after World War II, although their origins go back to Plato's Allegory of the Cave. In the modern era, computer modeling and simulation have become indispensable in many disciplines. A list of sciences that make extensive use of computer simulations includes astrophysics, particle physics, materials science, engineering, fluid mechanics, climate science, evolutionary biology, ecology, economics, decision theory, medicine, and society. Science, epidemiology, and many others. Extensive models and simulations have gone through their evolutionary process in a very short time, and a wide r ...

           11:00 - 12:00     Theory weekly seminar (TWS)
Releasing the Cosmological Tensions



The standard cosmological model is in the midst of a stress test, thanks to the tension between supernovae-based measurements of the Hubble constant, H0, and inferences of its values from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. There is also disagreement in the value of matter density at 8Mpc/h, as
implied by the CMB (when fit by the LambdaCDM model) and the value inferred from measurements of the amplitude of matter density fluctuations in the late-time Universe.
The former is known as the H0 tension, and the latter, as sigma_8 tension. In the first part of my talk, I will try to address the H0 ...

           14:30 - 16:30     Commutative Algebra Webinar
Homotopy Lie Algebra of Tor-independent Tensor Products


Given surjective maps $varphi_1:R o S_1$ and $varphi_2:R o S_2$ of local rings with $mathrm{Tor}^R_{i>0}(S_1,S_2)=0$, in this talk we focus on the structure of the homotopy lie algebra $pi(S)$ of $S:=S_1otimes_RS_2$. We will see in various cases this is isomorphic to the pullback of Lie algebras $pi(S_1) times_{pi(R)} pi(S_2)$. As an application, the Poincare series of the residue field of $S$ can be written in terms of the ones of $S_1$, $S_2$, and $R$. Also, I will address some common properties that local homomorphism $varphi_1$ and $varphi_2$ share with $varphi: R o S$. The key ingredients are minimal models described in chapter 7 of A ...