Saturday 11 January 2025 |
Events for day: Wednesday 18 October 2023 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Exploring the Future High-Luminosity Electron-Ion Collider (EIC): Physics Program and Detector Requirements School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: In this presentation, we will review the physics program and the corresponding detector requirements for the Future High-Luminosity Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) [Nuclear Physics A 1026 (2022) 122447]. We will mainly focus on the two-photon exclusive production of lepton pairs at EIC which could open interesting research directions thanks to a very high luminosity and clean experimental conditions. These investigations will also benefit from the high polarizations of both electron and proton beams at EIC as well. Indico Link Meeting Pl ... 13:30 - 15:00 Weekly Seminar Search for new physics at the Large Hadron Collider School ASTRONOMY The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is one of the most successful theories with remarkable predictions experimentally verified in many observations. This theory, however, suffers from a number of experimental and theoretical shortcomings which motivate physicists to develop theories beyond the SM (BSM). The BSM scenarios need to be tested by experimental observations. In this talk, I will explain how particle collisions in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) help us search for new physics and test BSM scenarios. I will also show you the most recent results obtained in searches for flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNCs) at the LHC. FCNC ... 14:00 - 15:00 Combinatorics and Computing Weekly Seminar A Sample of Robert Tarjan's Algorithmic Results School MATHEMATICS Some of the most efficient data structures and graph algorithms are due to Robert Tarjan and his co-authors. We will try to mention a sample of these results. To manage this sample better, we classify it into 4 related groups, and try to make connections within each group, and also connections between groups: 1. Adjacency lists, DFS and strong components, 2-satisfiability, planarity testing, 3-connected components 2. Vertex elimination, chordal graphs, partition refinement 3. Union-find, nearest common ancestor, dynamic trees 4. Amortized list update, Fibonacci heaps, splay trees We may also look at selected resu ... 14:00 - 15:00 Weekly Seminar Bioelectromagnetics and ion channel gating, stochastic or deterministic events? School NANO SCIENCES Biological molecules constituted charges are distributed in certain manner and their electrostatic short range and long range interactions define their functional structure and dynamics. Detection and recording of the resulting continuous transitional motions and forces and fields created at sub-nanoscale levels in real time are beyond the capability of the most of current instruments. Consequently, to work out the mechanism(s) involved at atomic or molecular levels, we have to use rather macroscopic experimentally gathered data and feed them into algorithms and equations defined based on the physico-chemical laws. Thus, although, most of the ... 17:30 - 19:00 Algebraic Geometry Biweekly Webinar Algebraic Varieties in Quantum Chemistry School MATHEMATICS We discuss the algebraic geometry behind coupled cluster (CC) theory of quantum many-body systems. The high-dimensional eigenvalue problems that encode the electronic Schroedinger equation are approximated by a hierarchy of polynomial systems at various levels of truncation. The exponential parametrization of the eigenstates gives rise to truncation varieties. These generalize Grassmannians in their Pluecker embedding. We explain how to derive Hamiltonians, we offer a detailed study of truncation varieties and their CC degrees, and we present the state of the art in solving the CC equations. This is joint work with Fabian Faulstich an ... 18:00 - 19:30 Physics Colloquium Overviewing metaethics of the last century School PHYSICS Date and time, Wednesday 26 Mehr 1402 (18 Oct, 2023), 6 pm Link Abstract Ethical properties concern what ought to be, rather than what is, and therefore, they appear distinct from natural properties. Metaethics is the study of the foundation of ethics and normativity in general. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the major positions taken in the last century in metaethics. Broadly speaking, this field is divided between those who deny the existence of ethical ... |