IPM Calendar 
Friday 7 March 2025   Today  
Events for day: Monday 09 October 2023    
           11:00 - 12:00     Journal Club: Experiment & Phenomenology – meeting
Determination of the moments of the proton charge density: is there a proton radius puzzle?


The charge radius of the proton can be determined using two different kinds of experiments: the spectroscopy technique, measuring the hyperfine structure of hydrogen atoms, and the scattering technique, deducing the radius from elastic lepton scattering off a proton target. These two methods lead to quite different results, a discrepancy known as the ”proton radius puzzle ”. To shed light on this problem, we have proposed a novel method for the determination of spatial moments from densities expressed in the momentum space. This method provides a direct access not only to the second order moment, directly related to the prot ...

           16:00 - 18:00     Biweekly Seminar
Truthmakers for Grounding Truths


Truthmakers for Grounding Truths ...