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Events for day: Monday 07 August 2023    
           11:00 - 12:00     Journal Club: Experiment & Phenomenology – meeting
Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Confinement from an Interacting Ensemble of Instanton-dyons in Two-flavor Massless QCD



In this work we present the results from numerical simulations of an interacting ensemble of instanton-dyons in the SU(3) gauge group with Nf=2 flavors of massless quarks. Dynamical quarks are included via the effective interactions induced by the fermionic determinant evaluated in the subspace of topological zero modes. The eigenvalue spectrum of the Dirac operator is studied at different volumes to extract the chiral condensate and eigenvalue gap, with both observables providing consistent values of the chiral transition temperature Tc. We find that a sufficient density of dyons is responsible for generating the con ...