Friday 3 January 2025 |
Events for day: Wednesday 08 February 2023 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar - meeting Challenges in the Design of FCC-ee High Energy Booster School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a particle accelerator proposed as a new research infrastructure for high-energy physics in the post-LHC era. The first stage of the FCC integrated project is an e+e? collider, called FCC-ee, which would serve as Higgs factory, electroweak, and top factory at the highest luminosities, and run at four different center-of-mass energies, namely on the Z pole, at the WW threshold, at the ZH production peak, and at the ttbar threshold. The main aim of the FCC-ee High-Energy Booster (HEB) is to accelerate particles from about 20 GeV to collision energy for the four modes (Z, W, H, and t ... 15:30 - 17:00 Geometry and Topology Seminar Study and Research Program: General Theory of Parity, session 1 School MATHEMATICS This is an interdisciplinary study and research program related to the areas of differential geometry, algebraic and differential topology, complex (K�ahler) geometry, complex algebraic geometry, dynamical systems, quantum computation as well as classical and quantum mechanics. We will first study the Special Theory of Parity which is the study of the manifold R^N imes R^N. In General Theory of Parity, we study a general manifold of even-dimensional from the differential and dynamical point of view. Our motivation is the following pioneering paper: �Geometrical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics by A. Ashtekar and T.A. Schi ... |