IPM Calendar 
Sunday 1 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Thursday 27 October 2022    
           09:00 - 15:00     Nonsmooth Optimization: Theory, Algorithms and Applications

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           11:00 - 13:00     Commutative Algebra Webinar

Speaker: Reza Naghipour, University of Tabriz

Let a be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring R and let M be a finitely generated R-module. The purpose of this talk is to establish some new results on Lynch?s conjecture and the set of the attached primes of top local cohomology module H cd(a,M) a (M) for the case of R has prime characteristic and cd(a, M) = araM(a). To prove our results, we estab- lish and use a new relation between the set AttR(H cd(a,M) a (M)) and M-height of the anni- hilator of top local cohomology module H cd(a,M) a (M). Several corollaries of this result are proved. Among other things, we will provide a co ...