Saturday 21 December 2024 |
Events for day: Monday 24 January 2022 |
11:00 - 12:00 Journal Club: Experiment & Phenomenology - google meet positron sources for CLIC and other collider projects School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: The CLIC (Compact Linear Collider), as a future linear collider, requires an intense positron source. A brief history is given up to the present baseline configuration which assumes unpolarized beams. A conventional scheme, with a single tungsten target as source of e-e+ pairs, has been studied several years ago. But, in order to reduce the beam energy deposition on the e+ target converter, a double-target system has been studied and proposed as baseline for CLIC. With this "hybrid target", the positron production scheme is based on the channeling process. A 5 GeV electron beam impinges on a thin crystal ... 16:30 - 18:00 Geometry and Topology Short Course A Minicourse about Differential Operators, Quasi-modular Forms and Calabi-Yau Modular Forms. School MATHEMATICS Since introducing Calabi-Yau varieties, a vast number of works in mathematics and theoretical physics have been dedicated to the study of differential equations which are related to these varieties. The solutions of these differential equations, or system of differential equations, provide us with innumerous infinite series or q-expansions (Fourier series) with integer coefficients which are generating functions of certain quantities. In lower dimensions, let us say in dimensions 1 and 2 which are elliptic curves and K3 surfaces, usually these encountered q-expansions are (quasi-)modular forms. But in higher dimensions we can not relate the ... |