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Events for day: Tuesday 07 December 2021    
           15:00 - 17:00     Number Theory Webinar
On a Class of Generalized Fermat Equations of Signature $(2,2n,3)$


We will discuss the generalized Fermat equations
$Ax^2 + By^{2n} = 4z^3$, assuming (for simplicity) that
the class number of the imaginary quadratic field
$mathbb{Q}(sqrt{-AB})$ is one. The methods use techniques
coming from Galois representations and modular forms; for
small $n$'s one needs Chabauty type methods. Our results,
conjectures (and methods) extend those given by Bruin, Chen
et al. in the case $x^2 + y^{2n} = z^3$. This is a joint work
with K. Cha?upka and G. Soydan.

Zoom link:

https://boun-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/98984858471?pwd=MU ...