Thursday 16 January 2025 |
Events for day: Wednesday 01 September 2021 |
11:00 - 12:00 Wednesday Weekly Seminar-google meet Complexity and behind the horizon cut off School PARTICLES AND ACCELERATORS Abstract: Motivated by TTbar deformation of a conformal field theory we study holographic complexity for a black brane solution with a cut-off using the "Complexity= Action" proposal and we will see in order to have a late-time behavior consistent with Lloyd's bound one is forced to have a cut-off behind the horizon whose value is fixed by the boundary cut-off. Indico: ... 17:30 - 19:00 Weekly Seminar (Online) 3D magnetic field observations associated with filamentary molecular clouds School ASTRONOMY Abstract In this talk, I will briefly discuss our work on understanding the 3D morphology of magnetic fields associated with molecular clouds. For this purpose, we first proposed and demonstrated a new technique to determine the line-of-sight strength and direction of magnetic fields associated with molecular clouds based on Faraday rotation measurements. We applied this method to four relatively nearby filamentary molecular clouds. For three of these clouds, we found that the line-of-sight magnetic field reverses across these clouds (from one side of the cloud to the other along the short axis of the filament). We then incorporated th ... |