IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Thursday 15 April 2021    
           11:00 - 13:00     Commutative Algebra Webinar
Representing Lie Algebras of Vector Space Endomorphisms via Schubert Derivations


Schubert Derivations are distinguished instances of Higher Order (or Hasse-Schmidt) derivations on exterior algebras [8], originally introduced to phrase Schubert Calculus for Grassmannians varieties, solely in terms of Leibniz rules and integration by parts. The purpose of the talk is showing their applications to find explicit vertex operators representations of Lie algebras of endomorphisms on exterior algebras and related spaces [1, 2, 3, 4], like the infinite wedge power (as in [9] and the bosonic Fock space (a polynomial ring in infinitely many indeterminates). This is related with some pioneering work done by Date, Jimbo, kashiw ...

           11:00 - 12:05     Theory Weekly Seminar (TWS)-google meet
The new experimental results on LFUV and muon g-2: Signs of a new fundamental interaction?


Abstract: Very recently, the LHCb collaboration @ CERN and muon g-2 collaboration @ Fermilab have announced their results on the lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV) and muon magnetic dipole moment, which deviate from the SM theory predictions by 3.1 and 4.2 standard deviations, respectively. In this talk we address these results and talk about their meanings and possible scenarios to explain the observed deviations if they are confirmed.

