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Events for day: Wednesday 07 April 2021    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-google meet
The effect of the magnetic field in the heavy-ion collision


Abstract: In the collision of heavy ions, due to the fast-moving charged particles, a strong magnetic field of the order of 10^{18-20} Gauss is expected to be generated. In the presence of such a strong magnetic field, several novel phenomena like Magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry restoration, the chiral magnetic effect may arise. Therefore, the knowledge of the evolution of the magnetic field, its lifetime, and possible effects on the plasma is of primary interest.
In this talk, I start with a short overview of the properties of the generated magnetic field. Then I will consider the interaction of the spin of the constituent par ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Gravitational instability of magnetized interstellar filaments


Filamentary structures are omnipresent in the cold interstellar medium. They are found both in star-forming and non-star-forming regions. It has been revealed that these filaments are the hosts of early stages of formation of stars, so their study provides key insight to understand how do stars form? In this talk, I will try to briefly discuss this new filamentary paradigm of star formation and present some of our recent works on the stability and fragmentation of filaments.
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