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Events for day: Wednesday 03 March 2021    
           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
The role of group dynamics on the evolution of galaxies


The properties of galaxies are known to be largely influenced by their local and global environment. One of the important and unresolved aspects of structure formation is the prediction of the structural and dynamical properties of a virialized object, due to a large reflection of the nonlinear dynamics involved. In reality, galaxies plunge into galaxy groups and clusters, and their properties are affected by their environments. In this talk, I am going to show the role of group dynamics on the evolution of galaxies using observational surveys, semi-analytic model, and hydrodynamical simulations for galaxy formation to improve the galaxy-hal ...

           15:30 - 17:30     Mathtematical Logic Weekly Seminar
Finite Support Iteration and Small Models


Starting from a model of ZFC+GCH, iterated forcing is a method of building a new larger model in which (for example) the continuum hypothesis fails and in fact the continuum $c$ (the cardinality of the set R of real numbers) can become arbitrarily large. Several other so called "cardinal characteristics" may be changed as well: for example, the number cov(null) (the smallest size of a family of Lebesgue null sets whose union is all of R) or the similarly defined number cov(meager), where null sets are replaced by meager sets (or equivalently: by closed nowhere dense sets. For example, iterating Cohen's original forcing one can get a ...

           17:00 - 18:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-google meet
Higgs Exotic Decays


Abstract: The discovery of the Standard Model Higgs boson in 2012 represented a thrilling triumph for the particle physics community and an outstanding achievement for the LHC. Even though the unraveling of the puzzle of the Higgs boson completed the final chapter of the Standard Model's book, a number of major questions in particle physics remain unresolved. In my presentation, I will discuss how the SM Higgs boson can be exploited for new discoveries. In particular, I will review a set of searches where the Higgs boson decays in an exotic, non-SM, fashion. I will conclude my presentation with an overview of the future of the LHC.