IPM Calendar 
Friday 27 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Thursday 18 February 2021    
           09:00 - 17:00     School
2nd Advanced School on Holography and Quantum Information Topics


The aim of this advanced school is to review and discuss the recent developments in connections between quantum information theory and holography. ...

           11:00 - 13:00     Commutative Algebra Webinar
On the Homotopy Lie Algebra of a Graded Commutative Algebra


We give the definition of a graded Lie algebra with examples. The free Lie algebra on a set $X$ is defined and the enveloping algebra of quotients of free Lie algebras are studied. The Koszul dual is looked upon as the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra in the graded commutative case with examples. The Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem is stated and as a consequence, a formula for the Hilbert series of the enveloping algebra is obtained. In the graded commutative case a coproduct $Delta$ on $ext_A(k,k)$ is possible to define and thereby the homotopy Lie algebra is defined as the set of $x$ such that $Delta(x)=$reak $xotimes1+1otimes x$. ...

           14:30 - 15:30     Weekly Webinar
Deep learning assessment of prostate cancer aggressiveness using the early fusion of pathology and radiology data


The Prostate Imaging Reporting And Data System (PI-RADS) is used to evaluate the clinical risk associated with a potential tumor. However, the PI-RADS score is subjective and its assessment varies between radiologists. A definite diagnosis of prostate cancer requires a biopsy to obtain tissue for pathologic analysis. A prostate biopsy is an invasive procedure and is associated with complications, including hematuria, rectal bleeding, and risk of sepsis.
We hypothesized that an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based model can be trained on multimodal data of prostate cases for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer using MRI images that ar ...