IPM Calendar 
Friday 27 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Wednesday 17 February 2021    
           09:00 - 17:00     School
2nd Advanced School on Holography and Quantum Information Topics


The aim of this advanced school is to review and discuss the recent developments in connections between quantum information theory and holography. ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Iranian National Observatory: approaching the first light


The INO project is now approaching the final stage ending in the first light, after passing major milestones including the completion of the civil construction, installation of the dome structure, and the 3.4m optical telescope. The telescope is going through the factory test which will be followed by disassembly and shipment to the site for installation. I will review the past, describe the current status, elaborate on the future ...

           16:00 - 17:30     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club (online)

Spike-phase coupling as an order parameter in a leaky integrate-and-fire model


Organized by: School of Cognitive Sciences
to receive the link to join online, please send email to theoretical.neurosci.ipm@gmail.com


It is known that the leaky integrate-and-fire neural model shows a transition from irregular to synchronous firing by increasing the coupling between the neurons. However, a quantitative characterization of this order-disorder transition, that is, the determination of the order of transition and also the critical exponents in the case of continuous transition, is not entirely known. In this work, we consider a network of Nexcitatory neurons with local ...

           16:30 - 17:30     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Microfluidic techniques as a robust tool for controlled fabrication of functional materials unachievable using pre-existing approaches



Recent advances in the synthesis of functional materials have expanded the application of these materials in various fields of science and technology such as gas storage, catalysis, separation, sensors, nanotechnology, and tissue engineering. Among functional materials, crystals are an appealing category as they can lead to the organization of molecules and/or metal ions with precision on the angstrom scale. Recently, significant progress has been made in the field of crystalline materials; however, majority of investigations study their self-assembly process under equilibrium conditions, where only the thermodynamic ...