IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 27 January 2021    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-google meet
Transport coefficients and quasi-normal modes near critical point


Abstract: Relativistic Hydrodynamics (RH) is a general approach that can be applied to any high-energy systems in extreme conditions, either in and out of equilibrium. Recently, it was seen that the gradient expansion of the RH can be valid up to a certain (critical) momentum, and this amount has a phenomenological consequence in the heavy-ion collisions. Moreover, the QCD phase diagram as a mother model has different parts that are separated by some critical lines, and looking to the RH near these critical lines and checking its validity regime are of great importance. In this work, we study the hydro of a special strongly interacting theory ...

           13:00 - 17:00     Workshop (online)

Neural Network


Workshop (online)
Jan 27, 2021 from 1 to 5 p.m.


           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Magnetic fields of spiral galaxies, the Milky Way, and intergalactic space


The strength and structure of magnetic fields in the interstellar medium of star-forming galaxies can be best studied by observations of radio continuum emission, its linear polarization, and its Faraday rotation. Supernova explosions generate turbulent gas motions and turbulent magnetic fields. Fields in spiral arms are typically 10-30 MicroGauss (1-3 nT) strong and are dynamically important. Magnetic fields with a well-ordered spiral structure exist in all nearby spiral galaxies observed so far and even in two dwarf galaxies. The strongest ordered fields are found between the optical spiral arms, often forming `magnetic arms´. Faraday rotat ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Webinar
Quantum spin liquids in frustrated antiferromagnets


Quantum spin liquids in frustrated antiferromagnets


Quantum spin-liquids (QSL) are exotic phases of matter with highly entangled ground-states and fractionalized excitations which fall beyond the Ginzburg-Landau paradigm. Due to lack of local magnetic ordering at zero temperature, QSL are very hard to come by experimentally. However during the past years, there has been tremendous progress at the theoretical level towards a better understanding of these phases, ranging from the QSL ground-states of topological spin systems, which are platforms for fault-tolerant quantum computation, to highly frus ...

           16:00 - 17:30     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club (online)

Using neuronal perturbations to understand connectivity and coding in the brain


Organized by: School of Cognitive Sciences
to receive the link to join online, please send email to theoretical.neurosci.ipm@gmail.com


To unravel the functional properties of the brain, we need to untangle how neurons interact with each other and coordinate in large-scale recurrent networks. One way to address this question is to measure the functional influence of individual neurons on each other by perturbing them in vivo. Application of such single-neuron perturbations in mouse visual cortex has recently revealed feature-specific suppression between excitatory neurons, despite the ...

           17:00 - 18:00     Weekly Seminar
HEPCo Group
Horizons 2020



Formulation of theories with local symmetries in presence of boundaries has revealed interesting features, stressing further the significance of "boundary degrees of freedom" (b.d.o.f.) and the symmetries and algebras arranging the b.d.o.f. In particular, one may apply these ideas to black hole solutions to gravity theories where the horizon can be viewed as a null boundary for the set of observers outside the horizon. The b.d.o.f. and the associated charges and algebras in these examples may remedy problem of identification of black hole microstates. In this talk I provide a general discussion on the formulation of n ...