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Events for day: Monday 14 December 2020    
           11:00 - 12:00     Journal Club: Experiment & Phenomenology-skyroom
Quintessential Affleck-Dine baryogenesis with non-minimal couplings


Based on
arxiv : 1805.02669

Abstract: We present a novel Affleck-Dine scenario for the generation of the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe based on the non-trivial interplay between quintessential inflationary models containing a kinetic dominated post-inflationary era and a non-minimally coupled U(1) field with a weakly broken B?L symmetry. The non-minimal coupling to gravity renders heavy the Affleck-Dine field during inflation and avoids the generation of isocurvature fluctuations. During the subsequent kinetic era the Ricci scalar changes sign and the effective mass term of the Affleck-Dine field becom ...

           16:00 - 17:00     Mathematics Colloquium
Shtukas and the Analogy Between Number Fields and Function Fields


During the last decades lots of efforts have been invested in developing A. Weil's discourse on the analogy in mathematics. This method essentially aims to bring number theory into the light of geometry, through a bridge called the arithmetic of function fields. In this context, and as it may be observed through Langlands philosophy, moduli spaces (/stacks) for global G-shtukas appear as analogs for Shimura varieties, and consequently, they play a crucial role in Langlands program over function fields. They possess local counterparts which are called Rapoport-Zink spaces for local P-shtukas (i.e. function fields analogs for Rapoport-Zink sp ...

           16:00 - 17:00     Mathematics Colloquium
Shtukas and the Analogy Between Number Fields and Function Fields


During the last decades lots of efforts have been invested in developing A. Weil's discourse on the analogy in mathematics. This method essentially aims to bring number theory into the light of geometry, through a bridge called the arithmetic of function fields. In this context, and as it may be observed through Langlands philosophy, moduli spaces (/stacks) for global G-shtukas appear as analogs for Shimura varieties, and consequently, they play a crucial role in Langlands program over function fields. They possess local counterparts which are called Rapoport-Zink spaces for local P-shtukas (i.e. function fields analogs for Rapoport-Zink sp ...