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Events for day: Wednesday 09 December 2020    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-skyroom
Effective action of bosonic string theory at order alpha'^2


Abstract: Recently, it has been shown that the gauge invariance requires the minimum number of independent couplings for $B$-field, metric and dilaton at order $alpha'^2$ to be 60. In this paper we fix the corresponding 60 parameters in string theory by requiring the couplings to be invariant under the global T-duality transformations. The Riemann cubed terms are exactly the same as the couplings that have been found by the S-matrix calculations.


Indico: https://indico.particles.ipm.ir/i ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Role of Thermal and Non-thermal Processes in Evolution of Massive Star Formation in Magellanic Clouds


Cosmological models indicate the importance of thermal feedback, i.e., radiation pressure and thermal winds, in quenching of star formation and evolution in galaxies. However, observations show that other factors such as turbulence, gas streaming, and magnetic fields can also efficiently decelerate massive star formation. Detailed studies of these thermal and non-thermal processes in the interstellar medium are hence vital to understand the evolution of star formation in galaxies. Observations of the radio continuum emission, as well as the CO, HI, and hydrogen recombination lines, help to trace different ISM phases and to separate the therma ...

           16:30 - 18:30     Mathtematical Logic Weekly Seminar
Linearisation in Finite-dimensional Theories


We shall define a general notion of dimension, and study groups and rings whose interpretable sets carry such a dimension. In particular, we obtain definability results for dimensional fields and domains. We shall apply this to prove a general linearisation result for an unbounded set of endomorphisms of an abelian group of finite Morley rank.
To join this webinar, please send an email to r.zoghi@gmail.com. ...