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Events for day: Tuesday 13 October 2020    
           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
HEPCo Group
On Black Hole Temperature in Horndeski Gravity



It has been observed that for black holes in a certain family of Horndeski gravity theories Wald's entropy formula does not lead to the correct first law for black hole thermodynamics. For this family of Horndeski theories speeds of propagation of gravitons and photons are in general different and gravitons move on an effective metric different than the one seen by photons. We show that the temperature of the black hole should be modified from surface gravity over 2? to include the effects of this effective metric. The modified temperature, with the entropy unambiguously computed by the solution phase space method, yi ...

           19:30 - 21:30     IPM-SUT Joint IRQM Webinars on Quark matter and Relativistic hydrodynamics
Photon yield and elliptic flow from gluon fusion and splitting induced by magnetic fields in relativistic heavy-ion collisions


Abstract: We study the gluon fusion and the closely related gluon splitting process, that represent channels induced by the presence of a magnetic field in semi central HIC's, for photon production. The aim is to compute the photon yield and elliptic flow coefficient. The calculation accounts for the high gluon occupation number at early times when the field strength is significant. We compare this excess to the difference between PHENIX data and recent hydrodynamic calculations for the photon transverse momentum distribution and elliptic flow coefficient v_2. The time evolution of the field strength and reaction volume is computed using UrQM ...