IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 30 September 2020    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-skyroom
Design and simulation of a 100 MHz RF cavity for the storage ring of the fourth generation low emittance synchrotron light sources


Abstract: Construction and applications of synchrotron light sources are developing rapidly. Achievement to smaller emittances is one of the most important issues in the design and construction of fourth generation synchrotron light sources. Parameters of the stored electron beam such as emittance and beam instabilities are affected with many different phenomena. One of the most important components of the storage rings which have great influence on the beam instabilities and emittance are radio frequency cavities. By reducing the operating frequency of the RF cavity, it is possible to achieve lower emittances and more favorable parameters fo ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Radio-IR Correlation in Galaxies: Origins and Applications


The tight empirical correlation between infrared (IR) and radio continuum luminosities in star-forming galaxies that was discovered following the IRAS mission has attracted a lot of interest among both theorists and observers. Our understanding of the physics underpinning this correlation is however still largely incomplete and in need of a satisfactory explanation. The correlation has conventionally been explained by the idea that the IR and radio emission are both being driven by the energy input from massive stars, and thus star formation. However, this connection is complicated by the observation that the IR emission consists of at least ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Deformation of a constrained thin elastic sheet over a flat surface due to gravity



Using the theory of elasticity for large deflections, we obtain the differential equation describing the equilibrium shape of an elastica subjected to several distinct boundary conditions. In our study, one side of the elastica is assumed to be clamped horizontally at a fixed height, and the other side in three different conditions: free, in touch with a horizontal surface beneath, and clamped to that surface. The underlying surface imposes an inequality constraint on all points of the elastica by forbidding it to go below the surface; this is not a simple boundary condition problem. We solve the equations numericall ...

           15:30 - 17:30     Mathtematical Logic Weekly Seminar
Model Theory of Adeles


In these talks I will present joint works with Angus Macintyre on model theory of adeles of number fields. The ring of adeles of a global field was introduced independently in different contexts by Weil, Chevalley, and Artin. It has revolutionized modern number theory in various aspects. In the first talk, I shall present results on quantifier elimination and decidability for adeles and for general restricted products of structures, and as a consequence, solution to a problem of Ax from 1968 on decidability of the class of all the residue rings of the integers. In the second talk, I will present results on elementary equivalence in a ...