IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 23 September 2020    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-skyroom
Circular polarization of cosmic photons due to their interactions with sterile neutrino dark matter


Abstract: Astrophysical searches of Warm Dark Matter (WDM) candidate in new physics are essential part of the experimental efforts to explore the nature of WDM. In this talk, I will propose an indirect method to search for WDM particles via studying their effects on the polarization of cosmic photons through cosmic photon-sterile neutrino scattering. I will consider GRB photons, galactic and extra galactic radio photons and the CMB photons as sources of cosmic rays and I will report the amount of possible circular polarization for each case via their scattering from the Sterile neutrino. This method might open a new observational window to ex ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Combinatorics and Computing Webinars
Separation of Quantum, Spatial Quantum, and Approximate Quantum Correlations


http://math.ipm.ac.ir/news/Combin-Webinar-Fall99.pdf ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Webinar
Photothermal Therapy using Graphene Coated Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Cancer treatment


Photothermal Therapy using Graphene Coated Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Cancer treatment


Photothermal therapy (PTT) using plasmonic nanoparticles is one of the effective methods for cancer treatment. In PTT, the amount of temperature rise and the duration of therapy are two important factors which they greatly depend on the selection of appropriate nanoparticles. In this seminar, the optical and photothermal properties of graphene coated nanoparticles including gold, hollow gold-silver core using Mie, Gans and effective medium theories are investigated. Also, the temperature distribution of tumor t ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Weekly Seminar (Online)
Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic across Geography and Demography


What factors drive the growth and decay of a pandemic? Can a study of community differences (in demographics, settlement, mobility, weather, and epidemic history) allow these factors to be identified? Has “herd immunity” to COVID-19 been reached anywhere? What are the best steps to manage/avoid future outbreaks in each community? We analyzed the entire set of local COVID-19 epidemics in the United States; a broad selection of demographic, population density, climate factors, and local mobility data, in order to address these questions. What we found will surprise you! (based on arXiv:2007.00159) ...

           15:30 - 17:30     Mathtematical Logic Weekly Seminar
Stability in a Group


In 2013, Ben Yaacov showed that Shelah's result on definability of local types for stable formulas can be seen as a corollary of Grothendieck's "double-limit" theorem, which characterizes relatively weakly compact sets in certain Banach spaces. Moreover, this theorem applies equally well to continuous logic, and is also valid for formulas that are only stable with respect to a fixed model. In this talk, we examine how this connection applies to stable group theory. We develop the foundations of stable group theory directly from topological dynamics and, in particular, results of Ellis and Nerurkar on weakly almost periodic flows (which are ba ...

           16:00 - 17:30     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club Online

Comparing High-Frequency Inhibitory and Excitatory Stimulation of Subthalamic Nucleus on Beta Oscillations and Thalamus Tremor Activity in a Computational Model of Parkinson’s Disease


Organized by: School of Cognitive Sciences
to receive the link to join online, please send email to theoretical.neurosci.ipm@gmail.com

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