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Events for day: Wednesday 09 September 2020    
           11:00 - 12:00     Wednesday Weekly Seminar-skyroom
Design of Storage Ring Kicker Magnets for Iranian Light Source Facility


Abstract: At Iranian Light Source Facility, electron beam is injected from Booster ring to Storage ring by a combination of septum and kicker magnets. Four kicker magnets are required to place the injected beam in parallel to the stored beam. In this talk I will present design of these magnets by two 2D softwares, i.e., Opera and Poisson. I will review simulation results including magnetic flux density, field quality, multipole components and eddy current impact on the field profile.


Indico: https://indico.part ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Andreev reflection at the interface of the type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals



Weyl semimetals (WSMs) are 3D topological materials. They have recently attracted an extensive interest due to their exotic topological properties and protected energy spectrum. A WSM possesses an even number of Weyl nodes, which are points where conduction and valance bands touch each other and have linear energy dispersion around them. These points appear in pairs with different chiralities and are protected by the symmetry of the material. Two different types of WSMs can be recognized. One is the type-I or conventional WSM with a point like Fermi surface, and the other is type-II WSM with an over-tilted conical sp ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Webinar
Andreev reflection at the interface of the type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals


Andreev reflection at the interface of the type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals


Weyl semimetals (WSMs) are 3D topological materials. They have recently attracted an extensive interest due to their exotic topological properties and protected energy spectrum. A WSM possesses an even number of Weyl nodes, which are points where conduction and valance bands touch each other and have linear energy dispersion around them. These points appear in pairs with different chiralities and are protected by the symmetry of the material. Two different types of WSMs can be recognized. One is the type-I or conventiona ...

           15:30 - 17:30     Mathtematical Logic Weekly Seminar
Existentially Closed Closure Algebras.


In papers of 1944 and 1946, McKinsey and Tarski initiated the study of closure algebras�Boolean algebras equipped with an operation obeying a version of Kuratowski�s axioms�and in 1948 they applied their results to reach conclusions about intuitionistic logic and the modal logic S4. In 1982 Lipparini found non-elementary axioms for existentially closed (e.c.) closure algebras and showed that they do not form an elementary class. After reviewing relevant model-theoretic notions, this talk will survey new results about closure algebras that are e.c., (finitely or infinitely) generic, or algebraically closed.

           16:00 - 17:30     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club Online
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity and Propagation Delays Jointly Shape Emergent Structures in Neuronal Networks


Organized by: School of Cognitive Sciences
to receive the link to join online, please send email to theoretical.neurosci.ipm@gmail.com


Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is a fundamental mechanism that modifies synaptic strengths based on the relative timing of pre- and postsynaptic spikes. However, taking into account the propagation delays may affect the temporal order of spikes. In this way, qualitatively different connectivity patterns can emerge between neurons. In particular, we show that for a system of two coupled neurons, strong bidirectional synapses can be preserved a ...