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Events for day: Thursday 03 September 2020    
           09:30 - 10:30     IPM holography virtual seminar
Holographic baby universes: an observable story


Abstract: I will introduce a formalism based on GNS construction for studying baby universes. By shifting the primordial role to the algebra of observables rather than the Hilbert spaces, I will introduce baby universe operations, build baby universe algebra, and construct the baby universe Hilbert spaces. I will further explain how this approach will give an understanding of the miraculous cancellation as a natural result from the character theory. I will illustrate by giving two different physical settings as examples.

           11:00 - 12:00     Theory Weekly Seminar (TWS)-skyroom
Entanglement of purification near critical point


Abstract: The entanglement of purification (EOP) is a measure of entanglement which determines quantum and classical correlations between two subsystems A and B in boundary field theory, for mixed states. Among many other measurement, EOP has a well-known holographic interpretation. Based on AdS/CFT, the candidate in the bulk side is entanglement wedge cross section.
In this talk, I review my last work corresponding to study of EOP for a charged black hole and discuss its behavior near a critical point.

https://www.skyroom.online/ch/ipm-particles/theory-weekly-seminar ...

           15:00 - 17:00     Weekly Seminar
Foundations of Physics Group
The Adventures of Parity (Violation)


After passing the times and despite modern scientific efforts, mirrors can still be mysterious. But why are the mirror and mirrorness difficult as such? The mirror is sometimes the cup of Jamshid – a cup of divination – which represents the visibles of not-here and not-now, and sometimes also informs the invisibles of here and now of ‘me’. It is simple to claim: “mirrors are always truthful”. But if you look in the mirror and see an image of ‘the other’ of yourself, then what will you do? And in the other words what did you do? This event in the most abstract concept is a great challenge for theoretical thought.
This ...