IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Thursday 19 December 2019    
           10:00 - 11:00     Weekly Seminar
Self Organizing Maps in Biological Data Analysis


According to the ever-growing of biological data and the non-linear and complex relationships among the variables in biological systems, extractiong meaningful information and interpretation of them are the main challenge in biological researches such as gene expression analysis, metabolomics and chemoinformatics. Also, the ability to analyze the high-dimensional data is one of the most fundamental challenges in data mining. Dimensionality reduction and visualization methods can ease the interpretation and help to understand high dimensional data space and extract useful information from nonlinear manifold. The Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map ( ...

           11:00 - 13:00     Commutative Algebra Monthly Seminar
Cartan-Eilenberg Categories


In the classical Homological algebra, the phenomenon of deriving functors occurs on the bounded below or above complexes, based on projective or injective resolutions. In the modern homological algebra, the unbounded case is under consideration. The theory of model categories occurs as a tool for this problem. There is another approach that is called Cartan-Eilenberg categories and was introduced by Guillen, Navaro, Pascual, and Roig. This approach is closer to the original development by Cartan-Eilenberg and covers also model categories. In this talk, we focus on the concept of Cartan-Eilenberg categories and introduce some new examples of l ...

           11:00 - 12:00     Theory Weekly Seminar(TWS)
Bantilan-Ishi-Romatschke flow and its Generalization of to Magnetohydrodynamics- part II


Abstract: In this series of talks, I present a generalization of the Bantilan-Ishi-Romatschke (BIR) solution of relativistic hydrodynamics (RH) to relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD). I start by introducing the symmetry arguments used to solve the equations of RH on the boundary of a Kerr-AdS5 black hole. Using conformal hydrodynamics I reproduce the BIR solution from the aforementioned results. Since the dual black hole is rotating, the transformed solution resembles a non-central collision. Using the symmetries of the boundary of the Kerr-AdS5 black hole, and certain simplifying assumptions I solve the equations of RMHD on this bounda ...