IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 02 October 2019    
           11:00 - 13:00     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club
Bernstein Conference 2019: A brief selected glance


School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran


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           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Monitoring Survey of Pulsating Giant Stars in the Local Group Dwarf Galaxies


The Local Group (LG) dwarfs offer the chance for a complete inventory within a galactic environment. We set out to reconstruct their formation histories, and to probe their structure and evolution. In this regard, we have conducted an optical long-term monitoring survey of the majority of dwarf galaxies in the LG, with the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT), to identify the most evolved AGB stars that are long period variable (LPV). The LPV stars reach the largest amplitudes of their brightness variations at optical wavelengths, due to the changing temperature. They trace stellar populations as young as 30 Myr to as old as 10 Gyr and identifying th ...

           14:00 - 16:00     Seminar
Coherent neural oscillations between cortical areas define the dynamics of working memory and its interaction with selective attention


School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran on map

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           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Many-body perturbation theory study of doped TiO2


Seminar Room (classroom A), Farmanieh Building, IPM ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Combinatorics and Computing
Weak saturation in random graphs


Weak saturation in random graphs ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Many-body perturbation theory study of doped TiO2


Many-body perturbation theory study of doped TiO2


Doping is one of the most common strategies for improving the photocatalytic and solar energy conversion properties of TiO2, hence an accurate theoretical description of the electronic and optical properties of doped TiO2 is of both scientific and practical interest. In this talk I will present the electronic structure, optical absorption spectra and excitonic properties of H- and Nb- doped
TiO2 calculated by ab initio calculations based on density functional theory, GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation. Our results show defect energ ...

           15:00 - 16:00     Weekly Seminar
A three-dimensional map of the hot Local Bubble using diffuse interstellar bands


Abstract: The Solar System is located within a low-density cavity, known as the Local Bubble, which appears to be filled with an X-ray emitting gas at a temperature of 10^6 K. Such conditions are too harsh for typical interstellar atoms and molecules to survive. There exists an enigmatic tracer of interstellar gas, known as Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIB), which often appears as absorption features in stellar spectra. The carriers of these bands remain largely unidentified. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of the Local Bubble using two different DIB tracers (5780A and 5797A), which reveals that DIB carriers are present within t ...