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Events for day: Wednesday 01 May 2019    
           10:00 - 12:00     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club
Slow spindles are associated with cortical high frequency activity


School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: Thalamocortical network shows self-sustained oscillations in a broad frequency range especially during slow wave sleep when cortical neurons show synchronized transitions between a quiescent down state and an active up state with beta and gamma oscillations. Inconsistent with previous models, thalamocortical spindles are separated into slow spindles (8_12 Hz) and fast spindles (13_17 Hz) with differential properties. We proposed that cortical high frequency ( ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Spin of Primordial Black Holes


Primordial black holes, formed from rare peaks in the primordial fluctuations $?$, are non-rotating at zeroth order in $?_rms$. We show that the spin also vanishes at first order in $?_rms$, suggesting the dimensionless spin parameter $a_rms??^2_rms$. We identify one quadratic contribution to the spin by calculating (and extrapolating to the formation time) the torque on a black hole due to ambient acoustic waves. For a reasonable density of primordial black holes, this implies a percent level spin parameter. ...

           14:00 - 16:00     Seminar
Information Extraction from Texts


School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran on map

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           14:00 - 15:00     Special Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Promiscuity in Liquid Water: An Atomistic Perspective


Seminar Room (classroom A), Farmanieh Building, IPM ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Special Seminar
Promiscuity in Liquid Water: An Atomistic Perspective


Promiscuity in Liquid Water: An Atomistic Perspective


Water molecules love to swing. In this talk, I will highlight some of our recent work, using atomistic simulations, at examining their deviant tendencies by undressing the molecular layers and complexity associated with the origin of density and charge fluctuations in a series of aqueous-related soft-matter systems. In the first part of my talk, I will focus on characterising the properties of the empty space in liquids, highlighting the role of the creation of branched like voids that have an uncanny similarity to the shapes of small polymers. ...

           15:00 - 16:00     Weekly Seminar
Probing Lorentz violation effects via a laser beam interacting with a high-energy charged lepton beam


Abstract: It is known that linearly polarized photons can partly transform to circularly polarized ones via forward Compton scattering in the presence of background field. Based on this fact, we show that linear polarization of a laser beam can convert to circular one through its forward scattering by high energy charged lepton beam in the presence of Lorentz violation background. Lorentz violation is explained through an effective field theory containing all feasible Lorentz breaking operators created by known fields of the standard model known as the standard model extension (SME).

Larak Seminar Room

           15:30 - 16:30     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
Statistical (In)Stability in Strange Attractors.


We will introduce the concept of physical measures and statistical stability for dynamical systems. We will discuss the existence of physical measures for certain families of dynamical systems including the well-known families of geometric and contracting Lorenz flows and the corresponding one dimensional maps. As an ultimate goal of this talk, we will present the results concluding statistical stability and instability for geometric and contracting Lorenz flows, respectively. ...