IPM Calendar 
Sunday 29 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Thursday 25 April 2019    
  • Conference in String Theory
    Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics
  • School

    Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics
    21-25 April 2019
    Farmanieh Conference Hall ...

               10:00 - 12:00     Short Course
    Method of Forcing with Side Conditions


    Elementary submodes as side conditions lead to a powerful method for designing forcing notions with desired generic objects. In more recent years such side conditions were used also in iterated forcing constructions. The series of lectures will present both of these two aspect of the side condition method. ...

               10:00 - 11:00     Weekly Seminar
    Systematic identification of cell type specific broad chromatin domain and their transitions from stem to mature cells


    Post-translational modifications to histone tails define focal (few hundreds basepairs) chromatin states discriminating genomics features, such as cis-regulatory elements and transcribed regions, across development. These focal states can cluster to partition the genome into broad chromatin domains, such as Large Organized Chromatin Lysine modifications (LOCKs) and Cluster Of cis-Regulatory Elements (COREs). Ali Madani developed Clustering of genomic REgions Analysis Method (CREAM) to systematically study these broad chromatin domains in each cell type. In this talk, he is going to discuss about utility of his tool in studying cis-regulatory ...

               14:00 - 17:00     Short Course
    Coalgberas and Modal Logic: One-step at a time


    Coalgebraic modal logic is a general framework for modal logics whose semantics goes beyond the standard relational world. Examples include neighbourhood logic, probabilistic logic and game logic.
    In this talk, I will first introduce syntax and semantics of coalgebraic modal logic (for both nabla and predicate lifting approaches). Then I will define the one-step fragment of this logic, which contains formulas with exactly one layer of modalities. Following this paradigm, we discuss settings where logical properties like soundness, completeness and interpolation at the one-step level transfer to the level of the full coalgebraic (fixpoi ...