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Events for day: Wednesday 24 April 2019    
  • Conference in String Theory
    Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics
  • School

    Recent Trends in String Theory and Related Topics
    21-25 April 2019
    Farmanieh Conference Hall ...

               10:00 - 12:00     Short Course
    Method of Forcing with Side Conditions


    Elementary submodes as side conditions lead to a powerful method for designing forcing notions with desired generic objects. In more recent years such side conditions were used also in iterated forcing constructions. The series of lectures will present both of these two aspect of the side condition method. ...

               11:00 - 13:00     Theoretical Neuroscience Journal Club
    Calcium Imaging: Biophysics, Advantages, Limitations, and Analysis Methods


    School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
    Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran

    Abstract: Calcium imaging has emerged as a promising technique to indirectly measure the neural activity of populations of neurons, thereby enabling the functional analysis of these assemblies. This technique has been used to study the neural mechanisms and phenomena under a wide range of experimental and behavioral conditions. However, the recorded fluorescence time-series are temporally smeared, thus making the reconstruction of exact spiking activity challenging. Mo ...

               13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
    Physical properties of the star-forming clusters in NGC 6334:


    Aims: We aim at characterising physical properties such as the core mass function (CMF), the spatial distribution of cores as well as mass segregation of high-mass star-forming sites in the NGC 6334 molecular cloud. Methods: We use the Atacama Large Millemeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to image the embedded clusters NGC 6334-I and NGC 6334-I(N) in the continuum emission at 87.6 GHz. We achieve an spatial resolution of 1300 au, enough to resolve different compact cores and fragments, and to study the properties of the clusters. Results: We detect 142 compact sources distributed over the whole surveyed area. The ALMA compact sources are cluste ...

               14:00 - 16:00     Seminar
    Deep computational models of vision: A survey


    School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
    Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran on map

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               14:00 - 16:00     Short Course
    Method of Forcing with Side Conditions


    Elementary submodes as side conditions lead to a powerful method for designing forcing notions with desired generic objects. In more recent years such side conditions were used also in iterated forcing constructions. The series of lectures will present both of these two aspect of the side condition method. ...

               14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
    Energy dissipation at the atomic scale


    Energy dissipation at the atomic scale

    Energy dissipation-conversion of energy to heat- is perhaps the most pervasive mechanical phenomenon in nature. Compared to the macroscopic scale, better control and subtle observations are accessible in friction experiments at the nanoscale. The invention of the atomic force microscope (AFM) made the real space imaging of single atoms even on insulating surfaces possible. In addition to the forces normal to the scanned surface, the deflection sensor of the AFM is able to detect the torsion of the cantilever and thus the forces which are parallel to the surface, ...

               16:00 - 17:00     Colloquium
    Crystal structure prediction and discovery of novel materials


    Crystal structure prediction and discovery of novel materials


    Until mid-2000s it was thought that crystal structures are fundamentally unpredictable. This has changed, and a special role in this was played by our evolutionary method/code USPEX (uspex-team.org). USPEX, developed by my group since 2004, now has over 5000 registered users worldwide. With USPEX it is routinely possible to predict stable crystal structures for a given chemical composition, and even to predict all stable compounds formed by given elements. The methodology will be reviewed along with applications to several problems of p ...

               16:00 - 17:00     Mathematics Colloquium
    Struggle Between Syntax and Semantics in Mathematics


    Mathematical practice throughout history has featured a dichotomy that can broadly be characterized as a struggle between syntax and semantics. We survey the history and the roots of this dichotomy and offer some speculation and thinking points. ...