IPM Calendar 
Saturday 28 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Tuesday 16 April 2019    
           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
HEPCo Group
BMS4 Algebra, its Stability and Deformation


Farmanieh Building, Seminar Room Class D (3rd floor)

           14:30 - 16:00     Geometry and Topology Seminar
Gromov's waists for non-radial Gaussian and radial non-Gaussian measures


Mikhail Gromov in 2003 proved the waist theorem for a radially symmetric Gaussian measure in $mathbb R^n$: For any such measure and any continuous map $ f: mathbb R^n omathbb R^m$, there exists a point $yinmathbb R^m$ such that for any $t>0$ the measure of the $t$-neighborhood of the preimage $f^{-1}(y)$ is not less than the measure of the $t$-neighborhood of the standard linear subspace $mathbb R^{n-m}subseteqmathbb R^n$. We were thinking about a version of this theorem for a non-radial Gaussian measure. We managed to establish such with a similar statement, of course, the linear subspace $mathbb R^{n-m}subseteqmathbb R^n$ at the end of ...