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Events for day: Wednesday 27 February 2019    
           10:00 - 12:00     Short Course
The Extender Algebra and its Variants


This lecture course discusses criteria for when V is a generic extension
of a given inner model. Bukowský and Balcar identified beautiful and handy criteria
in the 1970'ies which got applied recently in set theoretical geology. Later, Woodin
isolated his extender algebra which makes use of a large cardinal, a Woodin
cardinal. It turns out that Bukowský's and Woodin's approaches may be presented
in a uniform fashion. We will presuppose only basic knowledge of forcing,
present Bukowský's and Woodin's results in a general framework, and discuss
applications in set theoretic geology and descriptive ...

           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Role of Environment on AGN Activity


It has long been known that, in the nearby universe, galaxy properties such as star formation rate (SFR), morphology and stellar mass are strongly correlated with the surrounding galaxy density. Massive early-type galaxies in passive evolution are preferentially found in high density environments while the specific SFR increases towards lower density regions. This suggest that the environment has a substantial role in driving galaxy evolution although the details of the physical processes involved are still poorly understood. Motivated by the apparently conflicting results reported in the literature on the effect of environment on nuclear act ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Anisotropic Conductivity of Arsenene


Anisotropic Conductivity of Arsenene


One of the most recent groups of 2D materials is mono-elemental 2D materials which are highly regarded for their high charge carrier mobility, appropriate size and adjustable band gap and especially the remarkable anisotropy in many of their properties. The arsenene is a member of this group that some of its monolayer and nanoribbons properties have been studied in this project. Solving the Boltzmann transport equation for phonons, we predicted a highly anisotropic thermal conductivity of 30.4 and 7.8 W/mK along the zigzag and armchair directions, respectively, ...

           15:00 - 16:00     Weekly Seminar
Strong Electroweak Phase Transition in Extended Scalar Models and some Phenomenological Approaches


Abstract: We introduce some models by considering extensions of the Standard Model (SM) with additional scalar gauge singlets. These model can simply prepare the strong phase transition. Also we suggest a candidate for Dark matter too. Moreover, due to this phase transition in the early universe, gravitational waves are produced. We estimate some contributions, such as the sound wave, the bubble wall collision, and the plasma turbulence to the stochastic gravitational wave background, and we find that the strength at the peak frequency is large enough to be detected at future gravitational interferometers such as eLISA. Deviations in the vari ...

           15:30 - 16:30     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
On Generalizations of the Gromov-Hausdorff Metric


Gromov has defined a metric on the set of all compact metric spaces. This metric is defined for group-theoretic purposes but has found important applications in probability theory as well. Also, there exist several generalizations of this metric. For instance, the Gromov-Hausdorff-Prokhorov metric defines the distance of two measured metric spaces. Other examples consider metric spaces equipped with a distinguished point, a closed subset, a curve, a tuple of such structures, etc. In this talk, a general approach is presented for generalizing the Gromov-Hausdorff metric to consider metric spaces equipped with some additional structure. This a ...

           16:00 - 17:00     Mathematics Colloquium
How Godel Became Godel


The incompleteness theorem proved by Godel in 1931 is considered one of the jewels of the mathematics of the XX Century, and it has been widely discussed by specialists and crackpots. Usually it is considered as a very subtle statement with a technically very complicated proof, but this is mostly due to the fact that it is usually formulated and proved in the final version published by Godel himself, which is actually the result of a number of successive approximations, each stronger than the previous one. By retracing the intellectual road followed by Godel in the years 1930 and 1931, I will try to show how his incompleteness results are ...

           16:30 - 17:30     Monthly Colloquium
Identification of cognitive errors and their impact on our life and decision making


Identification of cognitive errors and their impact on our life and decision making

Venue:Farmaniyeh Bldg. Conference Hall