IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 12 December 2018    
           13:30 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Stochastic Multi-field Inflation


I will begin by reviewing basic concepts of stochastic inflation, whereby frozen super-horizon classicalized quantum fluctuations behave like a stochastic process. Then I outline how to use the well-known mathematical toolkit of Ito calculus to compute cosmological observables. I will elaborate on the application to some specific single-field models, as well as some generic results about multi-field (and in particular two-field) setups. ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Signatures of surface conductivity in zinc oxide nanowires


Signatures of surface conductivity in zinc oxide nanowires


Regarding to the large surface-to-volume ratio, the overall behavior of a nanostructured semiconductor is a complicated superposition of the bulk and surface effects. Practically, it is difficult task to distinguish between the bulk and the surface effects. Though, the surface contribution in the overall response of a nanostructure may be distinguished from the bulk effects via the measurements done in AC domain. In this talk, I will present our recent experimental findings about the conduction mechanism of zinc oxide nanowires. The respon ...

           15:00 - 16:00     Weekly Seminar
Dense Quark Matter Under Rotation and Anomaly Inflow


Abstract: Dense quark matter under extreme conditions is concerned in physically diverse situations from heavy ion collision to neutron stars. In this talk in medium realizations of chiral magnetic effect (CME) and chiral vertical effect (CVE) will be explained. Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) action as an effective theory is used to describe the anomalous coupling of dense matter and magnetic field. Then an effective field theory is introduced to study dense matter under rotation in hydrodynamic approximation and describing anomalous effects of the chiral medium. Link between topological defects and anomalies is illustrated in simple condensed mat ...

           15:30 - 16:30     Seminar
Floer Homology and Dehn Surgery


New techniques for solving problems in low dimensional topology are introduced in the past 30 years. These techniques use tools from different areas of mathematics, including algebra, analysis and combinatorics. One of these techniques, which has has significant impact in low dimensional topology, is Heegaard Floer theory. This theory was first introduced 17 years ago and presents several invariants which have been useful in many branches of low dimensional topology, and in particular Dehn surgery. In this talk, we focus on two particular problems: A) Which 3-manifolds may be obtained as the result of surgery on a knot in the 3-sphere? B) Gi ...

           16:00 - 18:00     Neuroimaging Journal Club
Deep image reconstruction from human brain activity


School of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM),
Opposite the ARAJ, Artesh Highway, Tehran, Iran ...

           16:00 - 17:00     Colloquium
Early Universe Cosmology: Theory and Observations


Early Universe Cosmology: Theory and Observations


We are in the golden age of cosmology in which, thanks to numerous cosmological observations, cosmologists have developed their Standard Model of Cosmology. In this talk, we review various aspects of Standard Model of Cosmology and primordial Universe. In particular we review the constraints from the Planck observation on models of primordial inflation.

Venue:Farmaniyeh Bldg. Classroom C.
