IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 31 October 2018    
           10:00 - 11:30     Short Course
Model Theory of Separably Closed Valued Fields


This mini-course will cover fundamental results in the model theory of separably closed valued fields. In the first lecture, we will briefly recall some algebraic preliminaries, in particular around p-independence, and the model theory of separably closed fields, including quantifier elimination, stability and, in finite degree of imperfection, elimination of imaginaries. We will then move, in the second lecture, to the theory SCVF of separably closed non-trivially valued fields and present a proof of quantifier elimination (due to Hong) in the language with parametrized lambda-functions. From this, we will deduce that a ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Hydrodynamic instabilities in a suspension of micro-swimmers


Hydrodynamic instabilities in a suspension of micro-swimmers

Dynamics of a suspension of interacting active particles, as a non-equilibrium problem in statistical mechanics, has attracted considerable interests in recent years.Systems like schools of fishes and birds, bacterial colonies, gels of bio-polymers and interacting active Janus particles show a wide range of fascinating physical behavior. Coherent collective motions, long-range orientational order, large number fluctuations and pattern formations are examples of such phenomena.Based on a microscopic model of an active agent, we develop a continuum description for a ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Hydrodynamic instabilities in a suspension of micro-swimmers


Seminar Room (classroom A), Farmanieh Building, IPM ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Combinatorics and Computing


Compatibilty hypergraphs and its applications ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Short Course
Model Theory of Separably Closed Valued Fields


This mini-course will cover fundamental results in the model theory of separably closed valued fields. In the first lecture, we will briefly recall some algebraic preliminaries, in particular around p-independence, and the model theory of separably closed fields, including quantifier elimination, stability and, in finite degree of imperfection, elimination of imaginaries. We will then move, in the second lecture, to the theory SCVF of separably closed non-trivially valued fields and present a proof of quantifier elimination (due to Hong) in the language with parametrized lambda-functions. From this, we will deduce that a ...