IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 13 December 2017    
           11:00 - 12:00     Quantum information group biweekly journal club
Generalized Quantum Reinforcement Learning with Quantum Technologies


Generalized Quantum Reinforcement Learning with Quantum Technologies

We propose a protocol to perform generalized quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologies. At variance with recent results on quantum reinforcement learning with superconducting circuits [L. Lamata, Sci. Rep. 7, 1609 (2017)], in our current protocol coherent feedback during the learning process is not required, enabling its implementation in a wide variety of quantum systems. We consider diverse possible scenarios for an agent, an environment, and a register that connects them, involving multiqubit and multilevel systems, as well as open-system ...

           11:00 - 12:00     Special HEP Seminar


Seminar Room Class D, Farmanieh Building

           14:00 - 15:30     Weekly Seminar
Polarization as a test for fundamental Physics


In this talk, first we consider light polarization as a useful probe for the vacuum structure in the presence of strong magnetic fields associated with pulsars. We will present clear predictions which can be tested via the upcoming X-ray polarimetric observations. Moreover, we will report our results about using high-intensity laser facilities in order to test our predictions in the ground-based laser experiments. Finally, we will discuss that it is possible to discriminate different models of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) by using polarization data and even we can look for new physics during inflation. ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar on Combinatorics and Computing
On a notion of discrete dimension for graphs


On a notion of discrete dimension for graphs ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
State preparation of stripe phases with strongly magnetic atoms


Seminar Room (classroom A), Farmanieh Building, IPM ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
State preparation of stripe phases with strongly magnetic atoms


State preparation of stripe phases with strongly magnetic atoms

We propose a protocol for realizing stripe phases in two spin models (Ising and Heisenberg type Hamiltonians, whose phase diagrams include the stripe phase) on a two dimensional square lattice. First, the state preparation is performed by (cluster) mean-field time-dependent variational ansatze (validated by comparison with exact results for small systems). We then discuss how to simulate the proposed Hamiltonians by encoding spin states into Zeeman sublevels of the ground state manifold of strongly magnetic atoms (Cr, Dy, Er, etc.). This method allows one to est ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
Controllability on Infinite-dimensional Manifolds


One of the fundamental problems in control theory is that of controllability, the question of whether one can drive the system from one point to another with a given class of controls. A classic result in control theory of finite-dimensional systems is Rashevsky-Chow's theorem that gives a sufficient condition for controllability on any connected manifold of finite dimension. This result was proved independently and almost simultaneously by Rashevsky (1938) and Chow (1939). In this seminar, following the unified approach of A. Kriegl and P.W. Michor (1997) for a treatment of global analysis on a class of locally convex spaces known as conve ...

           15:30 - 16:30     Weekly Seminar
Hydrodynamics Excitation from Chiral kinetic Theory and Hydrodynamics Frames
Part 1: Chiral Kinetic Theory


In this talk I will first discuss about relativistic kinetic theory and show that how one is able to discover underlying theory by kinetic theory equations. Then I will talk about manifestation of microscopic anomaly in kinetic theory by pointing to two approaches. After that by utilizing chiral kinetic theory equations and novel idea of momentum modification in weak magnetic field, I will obtain the hydrodynamic excitation.

Larak Seminar Room ...