IPM Calendar 
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Events for day: Wednesday 29 November 2017    
           11:00 - 12:00     Computational Nano Science journal club
Bypassing the Kohn-Sham equations with machine learning


Bypassing the Kohn-Sham equations with machine learning

Last year, at least 30,000 scientific papers used the Kohn-Sham scheme of density functional theory to solve electronic structure problems in a wide variety of scientific fields. Machine learning holds the promise of learning the energy functional via examples, bypassing the need to solve the Kohn-Sham equations. This should yield substantial savings in computer time, allowing larger systems and/or longer time-scales to be tackled, but attempts to machine-learn this functional have been limited by the need to find its derivative. The present work overcomes this difficul ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Seminar on Combinatorics and Computing
Categorical product of hypergraphs and its coloring properties


Categorical product of hypergraphs and its coloring properties ...

           14:00 - 17:00     Seminar on Operator Algebra and its Applications
Local reflexivity (III)


Local reflexivity (III) ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group
Method for generating two coupled Gaussian stochastic processes


Seminar Room (classroom A), Farmanieh Building, IPM ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
Method for generating two coupled Gaussian stochastic processes


Method for generating two coupled Gaussian stochastic processes

Most processes in nature are coupled; however, extensive null models for generating such processes still lacks. We present a new method to generate two coupled Gaussian stochastic processes with arbitrary correlation functions. This method is developed by modifying the Fourier filtering method. The robustness of this method is proved by generating two coupled fractional Brownian motions and extending its range of application to Gaussian random fields.
Venue:Farmaniyeh Bldg., Classroom A. ...

           15:00 - 17:30     Journal Club
Electrical stimulation of visual cortex

Brain Engineering Center

Electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex is a powerful tool for exploring cortical function. Stimulation of early visual cortical areas is easily detected by subjects and produces simple visual percepts known as phosphenes. A device implanted in visual cortex that generates patterns of phosphenes could be used as a substitute for natural vision in blind patients.Wereview the possibilities and limitations of such a device, termed a visual cortical prosthetic. Currently, we can predict the location and size of phosphenes produced by stimulation of single electrodes. A functional prosthetic, however, must produce spatial temporal patterns o ...

           15:30 - 17:00     Geometry and Topology Weekly Seminar
An Invitation to Toroidalization Problem


Toroidal varieties and their morphisms were introduced and developed by Kempf, Knudsen, Mumford and Saint-Donat in 1973, in order to prove the Semistable Reduction Theorem (simplifying a singular fiber of a morphism of complex varieties). Since then they have been successfully applied to various problems concerning the resolution of singularities and factorization of morphisms. Among them is the Problem of Toroidalization which is concerned with obtaining a toroidal lifting of a given morphism f: X to Y of algebraic varieties by performing sequences of blow-ups of non-singular sub-varieties above X and Y. The purpose of this talk is to introd ...

           15:30 - 16:30     Weekly Seminar
Dirac Condensed Matter


In this talk I will review how in 1, 2 and 3 space dimensions Dirac theory emerges as effective description of classes of materials. As a case study, I briefly discuss our prediction of pseudo-scalar superconductivity in Dirac materials and its consequences.

Larak Seminar Room ...