IPM Calendar 
Friday 27 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Tuesday 03 October 2017    
           11:00 - 12:00     Particles Phenomenology Journal Club
Probing CP-violating Higgs and gauge boson couplings in the Standard Model effective field theory


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Larak Seminar Room

           11:30 - 13:00     Weekly Seminar
Contribution of the brightest group galaxies to the total baryon content of halos


Brightest cluster/group galaxies (BCGs/BGGs) are the most massive and luminous galaxies in the Universe. They are generally located close to, or at, the centerof their host haloes. We use a sample of 407 BGGs selected from X-ray galaxy groups with median halo mass of 10^13.8 solar mass detected in the COSMOS, XMM-LSS and AEGIS fields and quantify the relative contribution of the stellar mass of BGGs to the total baryonic mass of hosting haloes in the past 10 billion years. We also investigate the stellar-to-halo- mass relation and the lognormal scatter in the stellar mass at fixed halo mass. In this talk, I will present our recent results and ...

           14:00 - 15:00     Weekly Seminar
HEPCo Group
Near Horizon Extremal Geometry, Symplectic Symmetry Algebra and Its Coadjoint Orbits


Farmanieh Seminar Room D ...