great sorrow we learned that our dear friend and colleague Mohammad Hossein Partovi has passed away after a long struggle with cancer in October 2014.Hossein
who had a very strong influence on the development of physics in Iran was a friend of IPM since its early days.He
was the invited speaker at the first IPM physics conference.His
collaboration with the Institute continued in several forms.Hossein
Partovi's contributions to the development of physics in Iran is enormous and outstanding.Many
of the educational and administrative aspects in the Department of Physics of Sharif University of Technology stem from the vision of professor H.Partovi.Dr
. Partovi has recently retired from the professorship at the University of California, Sacramento.According
to his collaborators he was even active until few days before his death and continued his research with enthusiasm.IPM
expresses condolences to his family in particular to Firooz Partovi his older brother, the physicists.