IPM Calendar 
Saturday 21 September 2024   Today  
Events for day: Thursday 28 January 2021    
           11:00 - 12:00     Theory Weekly Seminar (TWS)-google meet
Particle production during slow-roll inflation and quantum gravity


Abstract: In this talk, I will review two important nearly separated ideas of particle production during slow-roll inflation. Warm inflation is the first idea introduced as an alternative to standard (cold) inflation mixing the slow-roll and reheating epochs. Chromo-Natural inflation is also a model of inflation with a Chern-Simons interaction between inflaton and SU(2) gauge fields with the sub-Planckian axion decay parameter “f”. It was discussed in the literature that these models are in the landscape of string theory. I will explain the possible connection between them and also the constraints of swampland and Trans-Planckian censorship ...

           11:00 - 12:00     Weekly Webinar
False Negative Mitigation in Group Testing for COVID-19 Screening


After lifting the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and opening businesses, screening is essential to prevent the spread of the virus. Group testing could be a promising candidate for screening to save time and resources. However, due to the high false-negative rate (FNR) of the RT-PCR diagnostic test, we should be cautious about using group testing because a group’s false-negative result identifies all the individuals in a group as uninfected. Repeating the test is the best solution to reduce the FNR, and repeats should be integrated with the group-testing method to increase the sensitivity of the test. The simplest way is to replicate the test ...

           18:00 - 19:00     Commutative Algebra Webinar
Quasi-Projective Dimension


In this talk, I will introduce a new homological invariant namely quasi-projective dimension which is a generalization of projective dimension. I will discuss properties of modules with finite quasi-projective dimension and compare it with other homological invariants such as complete intersection dimension and Gorenstein dimension. It turns out that in several cases modules with finite quasi-projective dimension behave similarly to modules of finite complete intersection dimension. Finally, I will address some questions and open problems about this homological invariant.
This talk is based on a joint work with Dave Jorgensen and Ryo Taka ...